Friday, November 1, 2013

Is Google Making Us Stupid

In this article, the main point the author is trying to get across is the the human mind is evolving. Carr claims that because of all of his time on the internet, his mind has lost the ability to focus on long pieces of text. He finds him mind wandering a few paragraphs in, and is the article or text is too long he will skim it instead. Carr says that with the internet, humans no longer will go through the process of trying to solve a problem, instead they will look up the answer on their phone and not even think about it once. Carr argues that we have lost the desire to truly test our mind but instead we would rather have an answer given to us. In "Socrates Nightmare" it says that humans have lost the ability to think critically about what we read and truly think about it on a deeper level. Carr article is similar to this in the way that both believe that reading and really understanding what we read is important. Both men believe that literacy is a critical skill that all of mankind should possess.
Human kind is evolving into being that no longer thirst for knowledge. We prefer the easy way of googling something to find the answer rather than dig and go through the process of finding the truth. Carr's article is ultimately a cautionary tale about the dangers of the internet and the effect it can have on the human thought process.

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