Monday, August 26, 2013


When we started watching the "Crossfire" video in class I thought that is was going to be a debate about this great country's politics, however I was mistaken. This video was about grown men fighting like children on a playground. The video starts out with John Stewart coming on the show very calm and collected. The two other men he was talking to however were very bias and would not listen to any of the criticism that John was telling them. The two hosts were telling John that he is a joke, that he should be asking real questions to the quests on his show not "How are you holding up?". John made the argument to them that they had a real opportunity to help the American people by asking their guests what the American people want. Instead of listening, the host become enraged with John's accusation of then and resort to petty name calling like "buttboy" to try and build themselves back up. For being an un-bias show the hosts were very ignorant, rooted in their beliefs and would not listen to reason. Even through all of the back and forth that was happening John stayed very level headed, not stooping down to the level of the hosts. He tried to reason with them, make them see what an incredible opportunity they had to sever the people of their country, instead they made themselves out to be fools. John showed that these men were not out to serve the American people, only to provide theater and entertainment to their viewers. The hosts did nit live up to the their name and hopefully the viewers then saw what total frauds they were in the political world.

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